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Qualified Electronic Signature report

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Onfido offers a product package to help customers seeking compliance with specific AML regulations by providing Qualified Electronic Signature, in combination with Onfido's ETSI certified identity verification services.

This guide presents an overview of Onfido's Qualified Electronic Signature report.

Qualified Electronic Signature report logic

Qualified Electronic Signature provides the highest level of electronic signature, cryptographically preventing modifications to a file after the signature, as well as the issuance of a Qualified Certificate to identify the signatory.

Onfido's solution uses the PAdES standard to sign PDF documents and include all signature elements in the PDF file.

During the identity verification process, the user must agree to the terms and conditions governing the issuance of the Qualified Certificate using checkboxes, and has the right to review the document to sign.

Qualified Electronic Signature tasks

To implement Qualified Electronic Signature as part of your identity verification flows, a Qualified Electronic Signature capture task and a Qualified Electronic Signature verification task must be added to a Studio workflow from the Workflow Builder.

The Qualified Electronic Signature task output depends on the data extracted from the input document. As such, a Qualified Electronic Signature verification task must always be included along a workflow route that follows a Document Video Capture task.

The following workflow tasks must be executed prior to the Qualified Electronic Signature task:

  • ETSI certified IDV

    • Document Video Report
    • Motion report
    • Device Intelligence Report
    • Known Faces Report
  • One-time Password

    • One-time Password Capture
    • One-time Password verification
  • Qualified Electronic Signature

    • Qualified Electronic Signature Capture

All these workflow tasks are required to obtain a clear result to allow the issuance of the qualified certificate:

  • Document Video Report
  • Motion report
  • Device Intelligence Report
  • Known Faces Report
  • One-time Password

For more detailed information about Qualified Electronic Signature tasks and their implementation, please refer to the Onfido Studio product guide.

Qualified Electronic Signature task results

Qualified Electronic Signature results contain:

  • Data input
    • The country of operation
    • The type of the document
    • The issuing country of the document
    • The document number
    • The document date of expiry
    • The document issuing date
    • The document to sign url
    • The applicant's first name
    • The applicant's last name
    • The applicant's email address
    • The applicant's mobile phone number
  • Certificate properties
    • The certificate type
    • The certification authority
    • The document hash
    • The document download href
    • The file ID
  • Signed document properties
    • The document hash
    • The document download href
    • The file ID
  • Task details
    • The task specification id
    • The task creation date
    • The task completion date

Supported documents

Supported document types include:

  • EU Member States:

    • Passport
    • National ID card
    • Residence permit
  • Non EU countries

    • Passport