Supported documents for NFC - Document reports
The following tables list the NFC-capable documents currently supported by Onfido's Document report.
Country | Alpha-3 | Document Type | Notes |
Austria | AUT | National ID Card Passport | |
Belgium | BEL | National ID Card Passport Residence Permit | |
Bosnia & Herzegovina | BIH | Passport | |
Bulgaria | BGR | Passport | |
Croatia | HRV | National ID Card Passport | |
Cyprus | CYP | Passport | |
Czech Republic | CZE | Passport | |
Denmark | DNK | Passport | Includes support for Faroe Islands (FRO) and Greenland (GRL) |
Estonia | EST | Passport | |
Finland | FIN | Passport | |
France | FRA | Passport | |
Germany | DEU | Passport | |
Greece | GRC | Passport | |
Holy See (Vatican) | VAT | Passport | |
Hungary | HUN | National ID Card Passport | |
Ireland | IRL | Passport | |
Italy | ITA | National ID Card Passport Residence Permit | |
Latvia | LVA | National ID Card Passport | |
Lithuania | LTU | National ID Card Passport | |
Luxembourg | LUX | Passport | |
Malta | MLT | Passport | |
Monaco | MCO | Passport | |
Montenegro | MNE | National ID Card Passport | |
Netherlands | NLD | National ID Card Passport | |
Norway | NOR | Passport | |
Poland | POL | National ID Card Passport | |
Portugal | PRT | Passport | |
Romania | ROU | Passport | |
Russian Federation | RUS | Passport | |
San Marino | SMR | Passport | |
Serbia | SRB | Passport | |
Slovakia | SVK | Passport | |
Slovenia | SVN | Passport | |
Spain | ESP | National ID Card Passport Residence Permit | |
Sweden | SWE | Passport | |
Switzerland | CHE | Passport | |
Türkiye (Turkey) | TUR | National ID Card Passport | |
Ukraine | UKR | National ID Card Passport | |
United Kingdom | GBR | Passport | Includes support for Anguilla (AIA), Bermuda (BMU), Cayman Islands (CYM), Gibraltar (GIB), Guernsey (GGY), Isle of Man (IMN), Jersey (JEY), St Helena (SHN) and the British Virgin Islands (VGB) |
Country | Alpha-3 | Document Type | Notes |
Algeria | DZA | Passport | |
Benin | BEN | Passport | |
Morocco | MAR | Passport | |
Uganda | UGA | Passport |
Country | Alpha-3 | Document Type | Notes |
Argentina | ARG | Passport | |
Brazil | BRA | Passport | |
Canada | CAN | Passport | |
Chile | CHL | National ID Card Passport | |
Colombia | COL | Passport | |
Ecuador | ECU | Passport | |
Mexico | MEX | Passport | |
Panama | PAN | Passport |
Country | Alpha-3 | Document Type | Notes |
Azerbaijan | AZE | Passport | |
China | CHN | Passport | |
Georgia | GEO | Passport | |
Israel | ISR | Passport | |
Japan | JPN | Passport | |
Korea (Republic of) | KOR | Passport | |
Nepal | NPL | Passport | |
Philippines | PHL | Passport | |
Qatar | QAT | Passport | |
Singapore | SGP | Passport | |
Thailand | THA | Passport | |
Taiwan | TWN | Passport | |
United Arab Emirates | ARE | Passport |
Country | Alpha-3 | Document Type | Notes |
Australia | AUS | Passport | |
New Zealand | NZL | Passport |